Month: January 2007

Episode 5 - Tappen, North Dakota: Encounters with Non-Humans

Episode 5 – Tappen, North Dakota: Encounters with Non-Humans

  Sixty miles straight east of Bismark, North Dakota, is a small farm community called Tappen. Since late 2005, the Myra and Torrey Briese family have had a cow die that coyotes would not touch; their 16-year-old son, Evan, encountered a triangle-shaped craft emitting blue lights at a water pond; and Torrey Briese and the…
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Episode 4 - Human Genome Project: Junk DNA Still A Mystery

Episode 4 – Human Genome Project: Junk DNA Still A Mystery

  Scientists are still puzzled about the 97% of human DNA that does not code for proteins. Once thought to be useless, the repeating and seemingly meaningless sequences were dubbed “junk DNA.” Speculations about the function of junk DNA now range from “punctuation” among the genes, to damage residue by ancient viruses, to even questions…
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Episode 3 - Confusing Sun: Will Solar Cycle 24 Be Most Intense On Record?

Episode 3 – Confusing Sun: Will Solar Cycle 24 Be Most Intense On Record?

  Our sun not only hums in a rhythmic beat, which you can hear in this Earthfiles podcast, it is confusing solar physicists. Coming up is Solar Maximum 24, reaching its peak between 2010 to 2012. Will there be a lot of X-flares that can hurt astronauts, fry satellites and damage electrical power stations? The…
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Episode 2 - Attorney Encounters Non-Human Entities

Episode 2 – Attorney Encounters Non-Human Entities

  For more than three decades, a West Coast attorney has kept secret his interactions with a non-human intelligence. First he trusted them. But now he worries that the agenda of the particular type he has encountered is to manipulate and suppress humans.