Month: February 2007

Episode 9 - Scientists Hope "Amphibian Arks" Can Save Frogs and Toads

Episode 9 – Scientists Hope “Amphibian Arks” Can Save Frogs and Toads

  Recently scientists from around the world met in Atlanta, Georgia, to launch a global “Amphibian Ark” project in an effort to save thousands of frogs, toads and salamander species threatened by fungi, pathogens, increasing UV radiation, rapidly changing habitats in the face of global warming – and the unknown. Nearly half of the worldwide…
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Episode 10 - Earth Life Threats

Episode 10 – Earth Life Threats

Part One: Alarming Disappearance of Honey Bees Part Two: “Noah’s Ark” for World’s Seeds It’s estimated that one-third of the world’s food supply is dependent upon honey bee pollination. But millions of honey bee pollinators in 22 American states, Spain and Poland have been disappearing at an alarming rate with no explanation to date. While…
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Episode 8 - Grey Non-Human Floats in Air At New Orleans Defense Contractor Site

Episode 8 – Grey Non-Human Floats in Air At New Orleans Defense Contractor Site

  The second week of January 2007, a machinist working for a defense contractor in New Orleans, Louisiana, saw a seemingly solid, biological, grey entity wearing a monk’s robe-type garment floating above ground about twenty feet away from where he was working in a company secured by armed guards since 9/11.

Episode7 - Why Do UFOs Sometimes Play Cat and Mouse with Humans?

Episode 7 – Why Do UFOs Sometimes Play Cat and Mouse with Humans?

  I began interviewing law enforcement and ranchers back in 1979 about the worldwide animal mutilation mystery. Often, I would hear about bright, aerial lights that would pace moving cars and trucks, stopping when the driver stopped, moving when the driver moved, turning when the driver turned – “like cat and mouse games,” many said.…
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Episode 6 - New U.N. Global Climate Change Report: Earth Could Warm Up 3.2 to 11.52 Degrees Fahrenheit by 2100

Episode 6 – New U.N. Global Climate Change Report: Earth Could Warm Up 3.2 to 11.52 Degrees Fahrenheit by 2100

  The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change, known as the IPCC, has been working on another report since its last one in 2001. This is supposed to be a consensus of scientists and computer labs around the world about where global climate change is headed. This report says it is “very likely” that…
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