Month: October 2007

Episode 27 - "Young Sasquatch"? Infrared Images on September 16, 2007

Episode 27 – “Young Sasquatch”? Infrared Images on September 16, 2007

  In mid-September 2007, deer hunter, R. Jacobs, was not thinking about Sasquatch/Bigfoot when he placed a deer mineral lick and deer-attracting scents where he set up his Bushnell game trail camera in northwestern Pennsylvania. All he wanted to know was how many deer – especially big bucks – were using the trail so he…
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Episode 26 - Huge, Silent, Black Triangle Craft Over Youngstown, Florida

Episode 26 – Huge, Silent, Black Triangle Craft Over Youngstown, Florida

  On October 1, 2007, between 7:30 and 8:15 PM, four adults and two teenagers watched orange-white spheres, small glowing discs, red lights and a football-field-sized aerial triangle that moved at treetop level without a sound. A red laser beam is associated with lost time and the next night, non-humans might have shown up in…
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Episode 25 - Peru Meteorite, Disappearing Bumblebees and Parallel Universes

Episode 25 – Peru Meteorite, Disappearing Bumblebees and Parallel Universes

  News updates about the September 15, 2007, Carancas, Peru, meteorite impact; alarming disappearance of four bumblebee species in North America; and breakthrough quantum physics math that shows the Cosmos is branching like a bush and each limb is a parallel universe.