Month: March 2008

Episode 34 - Dragonfly-Shaped Aerial Craft: Eyewitnesses 1987 to 2007

Episode 34 – Dragonfly-Shaped Aerial Craft: Eyewitnesses 1987 to 2007

  The superficial and inaccurate reporting by television about complex phenomena is notorious and misinformation continues with recent programs about 2007 dragonfly-shaped aerial “drones.” So, I think it is valuable to review the time line of eyewitnesses who have seen dragonfly-shaped craft since at least 1987.  

Episode 33 - Mysterious Aerial “Drones” - Oklahoma and Arkansas

Episode 33 – Mysterious Aerial “Drones” – Oklahoma and Arkansas

  A June 2003 dragonfly-shaped aerial “drone” report from Hartshorne, Oklahoma, and November 2007 aerial “drone” report from Van Buren, Arkansas. In May to June 2007, Earthfiles reported eyewitness accounts about the dragonfly-shaped aerial “drones,” which spanned a time line from 1987 to current day. But, no one knows their source or mission.