Month: April 2009

Episode 47 - Spider-Like Drone Photographed Over Petten, Holland.

Episode 47 – Spider-Like Drone Photographed Over Petten, Holland.

On Saturday, September 8, 2007, 49-year-old Ruud Schmidt was camping for the weekend with his family in Petten, Holland, when Ruud and his wife saw an object in the sky that reminded them of a “spider” and he took twelve photographs with his Nikon camera. He waited until now to release them into the public…
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Episode 46 - Longest Solar Minimum Since 1913

Episode 46 – Longest Solar Minimum Since 1913

  Out of 365 days in 2008, 266 were without sunspots. So far in 2009, January had 25 sunspot free days; February had 23 sun spot free days; and March had 28 sun spot free days. Solar Cycle 23 began in a May 1996 minimum, so by April 2009, it’s been thirteen years between minimums…
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Episode 45 - Endangered European Honey Bees

Episode 45 – Endangered European Honey Bees

  Current update on European honey bee colony collapse disorder and increasing attacks by Africanized honey bees invading United States.