Month: May 2009

Episode 50 - Idaho Hunters Describe A Huge Triangle Aircraft Over Their Campsite.

Episode 50 – Idaho Hunters Describe A Huge Triangle Aircraft Over Their Campsite.

  A 300-foot-long, silent, triangle-shaped aircraft was seen by Challis, Idaho, hunters close to their camp trailer around 9:15 PM on September 27, 2000. Their illustrations of the mysterious triangle craft match another triangle drawing in a 1954 War Department training manual about extraterrestrial entities and technology, recovery and disposal.    

Episode 49 - Is 2009A/H1N1 Outbreak A Herald Wave?

Episode 49 – Is 2009A/H1N1 Outbreak A Herald Wave?

  Dr. Paul Glezen, M. D., Molecular Virologist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, has published data that shows there were short herald waves of influenza virus outbreaks before the 1918 Spanish flu, the 1957 – 1958 Asian flu and the 1968 Hong Kong flu.This week I asked him if he thinks the 2009…
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Episode 48 - First 2009 U. K. Crop Formations Counting Down to 2012?

Episode 48 – First 2009 U. K. Crop Formations Counting Down to 2012?

  Between April 14 and April 29, 2009, there have been six crop formations reported in oilseed rape in Wiltshire County, England. Five are described as the most elaborate and geometrically sophisticated oilseed rape formations that have occurred in British crop circle history.