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All Podcasts with Descriptions

Episode 73 - Mysterious 12,000-Years-Old Gobekli Tepe, Turkey
Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe interviewed Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D., Geologist, Boston University, inside the Gobekli Tepe, Turkey, excavation site on June 13, 2012. The T-shaped pillars have an anthropomorphic identity. But who are they? As their faces are never depicted, they seem very likely to be related to supernatural beings, beings gathered at Gobekli Tepe for certain, but so far unknown, purposes.

Episode 72 - What Is Causing Strange Sounds Around World?
As strange, unexplained sounds around the world continue to be reported by individuals, theories about what is causing the sounds range from Mother Nature and the cosmos to suspicions that in this year of 2012, linked to the end of the Mayan Grand Calendar, secret government projects could be experimenting with human reactions – like the new DARPA Battlefield Deception plan I will talk more about at the end of this report. But NASA Solar Physicist David Hathaway says it can’t be solar plasma interactions with Earth’s magnetic fields because those sounds are below the decibel range of human hearing.

Episode 71 - Eerie, Strange Sounds Heard in Tennessee and Kansas
At least 30 YouTube videos are now circulating from around the world with eerie sounds recorded over the past year since at least March 2011. Listeners report that eerie sounds – some compared to a “chorus of trumpets or horns” – other sounds compared to “an old TV playing in the distance” or a white noise drone of something like a freeway where there is no freeway. Excerpts of these unexplained sounds are included in this podcast.

Episode 70 - Japan Nuclear Crisis
By March 18, 2011, Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant had three units in “partial meltdown” and radiation leaking at levels that can kill some people. “This is the biggest crisis for Japan in history … very grave.” Japanese officials admitted that since water cannons, fire trucks and tons of helicopter-lifted water have not stopped reactor heating, they might have to bury reactors under sand and concrete, as happened at Chernobyl in 1986.

Episode 69 - TOP SECRET RAF Bentwaters Investigation
For the past 30 years since December 1980, no one ever said there was a TOP SECRET investigation organized right after sunup on December 26th, by RAF Bentwaters Base Commander Col. Ted Conrad. Now for the first time, Staff Sergeant Monroe Nevels, a photographer and Disaster Preparedness technician at RAF Bentwaters, describes what happened.

Episode 68 - Aerial Disc Beam Penetrated Nuclear Weapons at Whiteman AFB
In the fall of 1984 at Whiteman AFB, Missouri, a large, black, silent, aerial disc emitted a thin, reddish-blue beam that moved in a grid pattern over the igloo domes of two nuclear weapons storage facilities - and "fouled up the nuclear warheads."

Episode 67 - Huge V-Shaped UFO Emitted Beam On C-5 At Vandenberg AFB
 In late December 1969, a USAF security man named “Steve” and several others watched an otherworldly aerial machine emit a greenish-blue beam on a C-5 at Vandenberg AFB. Steve has never talked to anyone about the experience until now in this exclusive Earthfiles report. Steve said the day after the encounter, he was ordered by a United States Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) Colonel, “You did not see anything!” See Steve’s illustration at

Episode 66 - Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts
 The January 5, 2010, issue of Scientific American, headlined an article about a “Supernova star too close for comfort” to Earth. Since our solar system is in the Milky Way galaxy filled with potential supernovae and even much bigger gamma-ray bursts from much larger dying star deaths, could we be hit by a blast of gamma rays large enough to knock out our ozone layer? If that happened, all surface Earth life, including humans, would be exposed to deadly UV and gamma ray energies no longer blocked by the protective ozone layer. Has that happened before to our planet and caused one or more of the half dozen extinction events that mark life and death evolution on Earth?

Episode 65 - Life Saving Miracles - Angelic Interventions?
 Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe has encountered mortal danger several times and Something in the unseen has intervened to save her life. Does the soul/spirit call out? Is there another-dimensional physics of angelic interventions, a very real dynamic of our cosmos that many have experienced through the centuries, but still remains a spiritual mystery, a miracle?

Episode 64 - Why Has U. K. Ministry of Defence Shut Down UFO Office?
 The British Ministry of Defence has confirmed that on December 1st, 2009, it has suddenly and mysteriously shut down its UFO phone hotline and email address for public reports, even as a UFO flap hit the U.K in 2009. Nick Pope worked for the M.o.D for 21 years and insists UFO reports by pilots, air traffic controllers and other credible eyewitnesses are still seriously investigated.

Episode 63 - Last Time Earth Without Ice: 55 Million Years Ago
 The climate research email scandal does not eliminate the fact that ice in the Arctic, Greenland, East and West Antarctica and mountain glaciers around the world continue to melt at accelerating rates. According to the United Nation’s Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Earth will warm up between 1.4 degrees Celsius and 5.8 degrees Celsius (roughly 2 degrees Fahrenheit to 10 degrees Fahrenheit) by the end of this century. Professor Emeritus Geophysicist Henry Pollack, Ph.D., 2007 Nobel Peace Prize participant and author of 2009 A World Without Ice, discusses the impact of leaked emails scandal on December 2009 Copenhagen global climate conference and his perspective on Earth’s climate past, present and future.

Episode 62 - June Crain, UFOs and Wright Field, 1942-1952
An Aberdeen, Washington, police detective, James E. Clarkson, interviewed 72-year-old June Crain Caba before her 1998 death about her work at Wright Field, Ohio, where she held a SECRET Q clearance, knew about UFO crashes in New Mexico and retrievals of non-human bodies, and even held in her own hands “spaceship” metal that always returned to its original shape.

Episode 61 - High Strangeness in Hampshire, U. K.
On September 28, 2009, at 11 PM, retired auto mechanic Derek Bridges was looking out his bedroom window at a very strange, dark, red light in the pasture about a mile from his house. He got binoculars to see it better and was still puzzled. Then the light grew brighter and he ran for his videotape camera. Did he catch an animal rising up to the light – perhaps a cow, or even one of the water buffalos raised for meat and milk on the nearby Laverstock Park Farm?

Episode 60 - Life On Europa?
Jupiter’s moon, Europa, is nearly as large as Earth’s moon and beneath its icy surface is a liquid water ocean 100 miles deep that has oxygen. There in all that water University of Arizona Planetary Scientist Richard Greenberg thinks life already exists.

Episode 59 - 25% of H1N1 U.S. Patients Sick Enough To Be Hospitalized End Up in ICU
 Surprising October 2009 news from Centers for Disease Control is that this past spring, 7% of Americans sick enough to be hospitalized with the novel H1N1 flu, have died. That 7% is a higher mortality rate than ordinary seasonal flu. How many Americans ended up in intensive care with the new H1N1 virus? 25%. These statistics provoked Dr. William Schaffner, a Vanderbilt University flu expert, to warn: Contrary to the perception among many people that this influenza, the novel H1N1, is mild, these data vividly demonstrate that this influenza can make you very, very ill.

Episode 58 - 1980 RAF Bentwaters Witnesses: Penniston and Burroughs
 The time was nearly 3 AM on December 26,1980, when USAF Staff Sergeant James W. Penniston and Airman 1st Class John Burroughs approached bright, colorful lights in Rendlesham Forest between RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge they first thought might be fire – but then Penniston realized he was looking at a craft of unknown origin.

Episode 57 - Another RAF Bentwaters Security Airman Speaks About December 1980 UFOs
 Since my August 2009 series of and Coast to Coast AM radio reports, I have received more military eyewitness accounts about the December 1980 RAF Bentwaters and Rendlesham Forest UFOs. Some have never talked before now. One is Richard Bertolino who was on the radio with Staff Sgt. James Penniston after midnight on December 26, 1980, when Penniston headed into the forest to identify fiery lights.

Episode 56 - UFOs and the National Security State with Historian Richard M. Dolan.
Historian Richard M. Dolan has worked for ten years to produce 3-volumes about the UFO phenomenon. Vol. 2: The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973 – 1991 2009 , was released in August 2009. The third volume will be out in 2010. He comments about the British M.o.D.’s incomplete UFO file releases, 1980 RAF Bentwaters as “extraterrestrial in origin,” and the power structure now controlling this planet’s policies of denial about non-humans interacting with Earth.

Episode 55 - USAF Col. Charles I. Halt (Ret.) Says Bentwaters Lights Were Extraterrestrial In Origin.
Over the past thirty years in England – Royal Air Force Bentwaters, Royal Air Force Woodbridge and nearby Rendlesham Forest have been the focus of this question: What exactly did happen between at least two dozen military personnel, unidentified aerial lights and a triangular craft between midnight on December 26th, until 5 AM on December 28th, 1980? Now, Col. Charles I. Halt, the man who was then the Deputy Base Commander at RAF Bentwaters, has gone on the record to say the lights and craft were “extraterrestrial in origin.”

Episode 54 - 1980 Bentwaters Lights Extraterrestrial In Origin
A press release dated June 25, 2009, was released by British Transport Police Officer and UFO researcher, Gary Haseltine, and contains this startling quote by retired USAF Lt. Col. Charles Halt who was Deputy Base Commander at RAF Bentwaters in December 1980 when mysterious lights appeared in Rendlesham Forest. In the press release, Col. Halt states: I believe the objects that I saw at close quarter were extraterrestrial in origin…

Episode 53 - Crop Circles Forecast Sudden Solar Intensity?
After three months of English crop formations seeming to forecast July 7, 2009, solar activity on the Sun, the most intense sunspot activity in nearly three years of an abnormally quiet sun occurred within 48 hours of July 7. Retired astrophysicist Mike Reed talks with Earthfiles Reporter and Editor, Linda Moulton Howe, about the implications.

Episode 52 - Mysterious East Coast Bat Deaths Now Spreading Westward
Bats are dying in the Northeastern United States at a rate never seen before and the leading culprit is a fungus called Geomyces destructans – a brand new fungus also never seen before.

Episode 51 - Aerial Lights That Mimic Stars, Helicopters and Airplanes
Since October 2008, a retired engineering designer living in a western Nashville, Tennessee, suburb, has seen at least fifty unidentified aerial objects from his deck – including a disc following a Delta airliner toward the Nashville airport. What are the aerial lights that mimic stars, helicopters and airplanes?

Episode 50 - Idaho Hunters Describe A Huge Triangle Aircraft Over Their Campsite.
A 300-foot-long, silent, triangle-shaped aircraft was seen by Challis, Idaho, hunters close to their camp trailer around 9:15 PM on September 27, 2000. Their illustrations of the mysterious triangle craft match another triangle drawing in a 1954 War Department training manual about extraterrestrial entities and technology, recovery and disposal.

Episode 49 - Is 2009A/H1N1 Outbreak A Herald Wave?
Dr. Paul Glezen, M. D., Molecular Virologist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, has published data that shows there were short herald waves of influenza virus outbreaks before the 1918 Spanish flu, the 1957 – 1958 Asian flu and the 1968 Hong Kong flu.This week I asked him if he thinks the 2009 A/H1N1 could be a herald wave of a much more serious flu epidemic upcoming in Fall 2009.

Episode 48 - First 2009 U. K. Crop Formations Counting Down to 2012?
Between April 14 and April 29, 2009, there have been six crop formations reported in oilseed rape in Wiltshire County, England. Five are described as the most elaborate and geometrically sophisticated oilseed rape formations that have occurred in British crop circle history.

Episode 47 - Spider-Like Drone Photographed Over Petten, Holland.
On Saturday, September 8, 2007, 49-year-old Ruud Schmidt was camping for the weekend with his family in Petten, Holland, when Ruud and his wife saw an object in the sky that reminded them of a “spider” and he took twelve photographs with his Nikon camera. He waited until now to release them into the public for feedback.

Episode 46 - Longest Solar Minimum Since 1913
Out of 365 days in 2008, 266 were without sunspots. So far in 2009, January had 25 sunspot free days; February had 23 sun spot free days; and March had 28 sun spot free days. Solar Cycle 23 began in a May 1996 minimum, so by April 2009, it’s been thirteen years between minimums and still no increasing sunspots. The last time a solar cycle has gone thirteen years between minimums was Solar Cycle 15 in 1902 to 1913.

Episode 45 - Endangered European Honey Bees
Current update on European honey bee colony collapse disorder and increasing attacks by Africanized honey bees invading United States.

Episode 44 - Unusual Animal Deaths in Southern Colorado
On Sunday, March 8, 2009, Weston, Colorado, rancher Mike Duran found one of his cows dead and mutilated similar to his first mutilation in November 1995. Then on Tuesday, March 17, another rancher, Tom Miller, found a 1-week-old male calf so strangely mutilated, it might be unique in animal mutilation history.

Episode 43 - Security Guard Saw "Diamond-Shaped Panel" Fall Near Needles, California, and Encountered "Telepathic UFO"
A California security guard saw the dark silhouette like the side of a nose cone in the falling space debris near Needles, California, on May 14, 2008. Four months later in August, he saw UFOs that convinced him there are vehicles above Earth that can respond to human thought.

Episode 42 - Unexplained Stranding of 200 Pilot Whales and Dolphins
On March 2, 2009, people were trying frantically to save 200 pilot whales and other dolphins stranded on King Island north of the state of Tasmania, Australia – the most recent in a string of unexplained beachings since November 2008. Scientists say repeated beachings are unusual and so far have no answers.

Episode 41 - Unprecedented Northeast Bat Die-offs Spreading Rapidly

By February 2009, the white-nose bat-killing syndrome in the Northeastern U. S. has expanded beyond New York, Vermont and Massachusetts to five more Northeastern states: Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New Jersey, Connecticut, and New Hampshire. Scientists are afraid mortality could reach near 100% in cave-dwelling bats and spread into Midwest.

Episode 40 - Silicas - and Hot Springs? - On Mars
A long-standing question in Mars research has been: Did volcanic Mars have hot springs? If so, was there life? Astrobiologists now report possible hot spring sites in Arabia Terra and the Gusev crater region where the Spirit rover found almost pure silica in 2008, a sure sign of hot water moving over rocks.


Episode 39 - Trends Journal Forecasts 2009 Economic Depression
There were unsettling eyewitness reports in the 14th Century from China to Europe of bright lights in the skies that emitted “mists” and foul-smelling ground fogs associated with figures in dark cloaks waving “scythes” during “The Black Death” in which nearly half of the European population died from plague.


Episode 38 - UFOs and 14th Century Black Death
There were unsettling eyewitness reports in the 14th Century from China to Europe of bright lights in the skies that emitted “mists” and foul-smelling ground fogs associated with figures in dark cloaks waving “scythes” during “The Black Death” in which nearly half of the European population died from plague.

Episode 37 - Silent, Hovering Ring with Long Antennas in Ohio Forest
In the early morning of mid-December 2001, “David Smith” had gone deer hunting in southern Ohio. But what he encountered has haunted his life since. First was a bizarre noise, then a beam containing snow melt droplets rising into a ring-shaped craft with three long antennas. The ring craft, or dragonfly drone, began to spin rapidly in complete silence. The hunter found himself waking up on the ground ten hours later, the soles of his leather boots completely melted.


Episode 36 - Dragonfly Drones - Alien Surveillance Technology?
Two more eyewitnesses of the dragonfly drones have been discovered further north in Camas, Washington, on the Columbia River between Washington and Oregon, where they encountered one of the strange craft above Lakamas Lake on June 7, 2007.

Episode 35 - Wingless, “Dragonfly” Sighting On March 31, 2008
Another dragonfly aerial craft eyewitness has emerged – a sighting as recently as Monday, March 31, 2008. Her name is Cam and she lives in Scotts Valley, northwest of Capitola. Capitola is where another eyewitness, “Rajman,” allegedly photographed the dragonfly drone above power lines a year ago on May 16, 2007. Cam’s sighting was at 10:15 AM onMonday, March 31, 2008, when she was working in her kitchen while her boyfriend, Geoff, was doing yard work outside.

Episode 34 - Dragonfly-Shaped Aerial Craft: Eyewitnesses 1987 to 2007
The superficial and inaccurate reporting by television about complex phenomena is notorious and misinformation continues with recent programs about 2007 dragonfly-shaped aerial “drones.” So, I think it is valuable to review the time line of eyewitnesses who have seen dragonfly-shaped craft since at least 1987.

Episode 33 - Mysterious Aerial “Drones” - Oklahoma and Arkansas
A June 2003 dragonfly-shaped aerial “drone” report from Hartshorne, Oklahoma, and November 2007 aerial “drone” report from Van Buren, Arkansas. In May to June 2007, Earthfiles reported eyewitness accounts about the dragonfly-shaped aerial “drones,” which spanned a time line from 1987 to current day. But, no one knows their source or mission.

Episode 32 - Abductee Jim Sparks Comments On Alien Symbol Technology
Since Jim Sparks was taken from his home by a non-human beam technology over several years and educated in front of alien computer screens to learn alien symbols and numbers, I asked him to study the Stephenville, Texas, symbols videotaped by David Caron on January 19, 2008, to see if Jim could see any meaning in the symbols.

Episode 31 – More Aerial “Symbols” Photographed Over Dublin, Texas. Reporter Angelia Joiner Resigns.
Since early January 2008, and on going, there have been dozens of reports of lights moving in rapid and strange patterns and changing shapes southwest of Dallas/Fort Worth in the Dublin and Stephenville, Texas, region. A local reporter was ordered to stop reporting about the UFO activity, but resigned instead.

Episode 30 – Trends in 2008
“In 2008, we’re going to see some major, giant financial firms fall as they get hit by an economic 9/11.” That’s what Gerald Celente, Editor of The Trends Journal told me in a December 21, 2007, interview only two weeks before bad Wall Street news about Countrywide Bank, Merrill Lynch, American Express and other companies in a cash crunch that plunged the Dow steeply downward.

Episode 29 – Carbon Dioxide Build-Up in Oceans Will Kill Off Coral Reefs by 2050
In the December 14, 2007, issue of the journal Science, chemical oceanographers report that carbon emissions from human activities are not only heating up our planet, but the ocean chemistry is changing so much that if the CO2 build up continues at the current rate, by the year 2050, no coral reefs will be alive. That’s only 42 years from now. One of the coral reef research scientists is Ken Caldeira, Ph.D., and Chemical Oceanographer at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Stanford University’s Dept. of Global Ecology. He and his colleagues say, “If atmospheric CO2 stabilizes at 550 ppm – and even that would take concerted international effort to achieve – no existing coral reef will remain in such an environment.”

Episode 28 - Mysterious Orbs - Emanations from A Divine Field?
On November 6, 2007, a book entitled The Orb Project will be released by physicist Klaus Heinemann and philosopher, Miceal Ledwith. The Foreword is by William Tiller, Ph.D., and Professor Emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering at Stanford University. Prof. Tiller hypothesizes that in addition to the four fundamental forces of Electromagnetic, Strong, Weak and Gravitation, there is a fifth force of subtle energies which act on human consciousness. “The orbs are certainly not creatures of our spacetime world,” writes Prof. Tiller. Are the glowing orbs intelligent plasmas? Are they from beyond our 3-dimensional spacetime universe? Would that mean they are angels? Or from angelic realms?

Episode 27 - "Young Sasquatch"? Infrared Images on September 16, 2007
In mid-September 2007, deer hunter, R. Jacobs, was not thinking about Sasquatch/Bigfoot when he placed a deer mineral lick and deer-attracting scents where he set up his Bushnell game trail camera in northwestern Pennsylvania. All he wanted to know was how many deer – especially big bucks – were using the trail so he could plan his deer hunt. The location is three hours north of Pittsburgh in very remote forest. Mr. Jacobs’ camera automatically senses light and can take color photos in daytime – then switch to infrared at night – with or without flash. The camera was set to go off at motion in front of the lens. On September 16, 2007, between 8:04 PM and 8:32 PM, two young black bears were caught on an infrared image, followed by a hairy, primate-looking creature in two different postures that the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) is calling a “juvenile Sasquatch.”

Episode 26 - Huge, Silent, Black Triangle Craft Over Youngstown, Florida
On October 1, 2007, between 7:30 and 8:15 PM, four adults and two teenagers watched orange-white spheres, small glowing discs, red lights and a football-field-sized aerial triangle that moved at treetop level without a sound. A red laser beam is associated with lost time and the next night, non-humans might have shown up in the yard of two of the eyewitnesses.

Episode 25 - Peru Meteorite, Disappearing Bumblebees and Parallel Universes
News updates about the September 15, 2007, Carancas, Peru, meteorite impact; alarming disappearance of four bumblebee species in North America; and breakthrough quantum physics math that shows the Cosmos is branching like a bush and each limb is a parallel universe.

Episode 24 - Part 2: Psi Spies - True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program
Late in 1988, U. S. Army remote viewer, Mel Riley, reported that an unidentified bright light on an American satellite photograph was a craft that had humanoid people in it and was hovering above a nuclear storage facility. The remote viewers found the craft and humanoids came from sub-surface locations on our moon, and Mars, and that they would also land in sub-surface locations on Earth.”

Episode 23 - Part 1: Psi Spies - True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program
Jim Marrs is an investigative reporter and author of several best selling books, including Crossfire about the JFK assassination, Alien Agenda about non-human interaction with Earth and now the history of the CIA’s and U. S. Army’s remote viewing programs in Psi Spies © 2007.

Episode 22 - Orange-Red "Fiery" Aerial Spheres
Red-orange, fiery spheres of light in the air and near the ground were seen by law enforcement and ranchers all over North America back in the late 1960s to early 1970s. Eyewitnesses linked the appearances of the red-orange balls of fire to animal mutilations and intrusions in nuclear missile bases.

Episode 21 - Reality Checks On Milky Way and Chupacabras
More and more people are depending on podcasts and the internet for their daily news updates. But there is no overall Web Editor to do a reality check on content. So, finding out what is factual is an ever-increasing challenge. In this Earthfiles August 2007 podcast, a headline circulating on the web for weeks is called false by astronomers. Also, Texas media keep calling the strange, grey animal seen and photographed over the past four years as a “chupacabras,” but it’s not the goat-sucker of Puerto Rico, Mexico and South America.

Episode 20 - Iowa Minister Reports Large "Crab/Scorpion" Creature Attacked Cow
Former U. S. Marine, John Click, who flew on President Carter’s Air Force One and was a long-time firefighter and paramedic, retired to truck driving in 1996 and eventually became an ordained Baptist minister in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Back in August 1996 or 1997, between Upland and Campbell, Nebraska, he encountered an “unearthly creature” that looked like a crab and scorpion combined atop a cow bellowing in pain.

Episode 19 - Another "Drone" This Week Near Maxwell AFB
On Monday, June 25th, 2007, six miles from Maxwell AFB and its Gunter AFB Annex in Montgomery, Alabama, was another dragonfly drone encounter. The eyewitness is a long-time technical specialist in security, educated about infrared frequency technologies and normal human aviation. Because his work is highly sensitive, he has asked that I not use his actual name. It all began around 5:45 AM while he was on duty in his security work that involves 32 infrared cameras.

Episode 18 - Northridge, California, Aerial "Drone" Eyewitness On the Record
California hypnotherapist Robert Mariotti (and Doctor of Divinity) from Canoga Park, goes on the record to describe his May 17, 2006, 10 PM encounter with a green, glowing “horseshoe crab”-shaped aerial object – similar to the May 2007 Chad drone photos. The glowing object was over a tree near the Northridge Shopping Mall.

Episode 17 - Three Eyewitnesses of Mysterious Aerial "Drones"
Since May 5, 2007, images of dragonfly-shaped mysterious aerial objects have been sent to Earthfiles and other internet sites with reports by the alleged photographers in Lake Tahoe, Capitola and Central California. The photographs provoked three eyewitnesses to contact Earthfiles Editor and Reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, about seeing the approximately 25-foot-long “dragonfly” in 2006, 2005 and around 1987.

Episode 16 - Antarctica: Unprecedented Western Ice Melt and CO2-Saturated Southern Ocean
A sobering satellite study shows it was warm enough for a week or two in January 2005 for Western Antarctica ice to melt over an area as big as California. Such a huge ice melt in western Antarctica is unprecedented and could mean that global warming is even getting to the thick ice of the South Pole.

Until now, the very cold Antarctic Southern Ocean absorbed into its waters 15% of the worldwide carbon dioxide “sinking” into the Earth’s seas. U.K. scientists have discovered the Southern Ocean is saturated with CO2 absorbed from the atmosphere. That data implies many other regions of the Earth’s oceans must also be saturated with CO2. Does that mean that even more CO2 is getting into the greenhouse gas “blanket” that is warming up our planet?

Episode 15 - CIA Origin of National Enquirer?
Journalist Terry Hansen reports circumstantial evidence that the CIA and mafia were behind the creation of the most notorious tabloid in America – the National Enquirer – which began in 1953 reporting more UFO incidents than any other media.

Episode 14 - Environmental Emergency Update
There are at least two environmental emergencies now in America that directly impact our food supplies: Honey bees that are massively disappearing and not pollinating crops. An Ebola-like virus killed millions of Great Lakes fresh water fish in 2005 and 2006. What happens in 2007 if the virus spreads into the Mississippi River and beyond?

Episode 13 - Fastest Rotating Object In Our Solar System Is One Of Strangest
For the first time in astronomical history, a huge, bizarre rock beyond Neptune has been linked to other orbiting bodies out there. Some how the big rock called 2003 EL61, which is almost the size of Pluto, got into orbit out in the Kuiper Belt where most every other object is made of ice. Not only is this huge rocky object there, it is the only object in our solar system shaped like an American football and tumbling long end-over-end every four hours.

Episode 12 - Honey Bee Disappearances Continue - Could Pesticides Play A Role?
Pesticides, sprayed and genetically engineered – Are they linked to honey bee disappearances and decline of all pollinators in North America? The National Academy of Sciences is now concerned about the general decline in all North American pollinators and the U. S. government is concerned about the national security challenge of this nation becoming dependent upon imported almonds, berries, apples and vegetables. The U. S. Department of Agriculture projects by the year 2015, 40% of such American foods will be coming from China.

Episode 11 - Zones of Fear and Diamond-Shaped Aerial Light
Recently a 44-year-old North Dakota resident contacted me about her experiences with zones of fear in the Rocky Mountains where she has worked as a Forest Service firefighter. She and her nephew have also seen a large diamond-shaped aerial craft about her North Dakota ranch around 2003. After the aerial diamond appeared, she had a highly strange experience with a male humanoid that had green scales like an alligator and head spikes like an iguana.

Episode 10 - Earth Life Threats
It’s estimated that one-third of the world’s food supply is dependent upon honey bee pollination. But millions of honey bee pollinators in 22 American states, Spain and Poland have been disappearing at an alarming rate with no explanation to date.

While the bees are seriously declining, so are the world’s plants Some scientists expect the Amazon rainforest to be gone by the end of the 21st Century. Scientists say humans must act now to save as many species of animals, insects and plants as possible before global warming and potential devastating events accelerate extinctions. One survival project beginning immediately in March 2007, is construction of a “Noah’s Ark” seed vault inside a Svalbard, Norway, mountain in the Arctic.

Episode 9 - Scientists Hope "Amphibian Arks" Can Save Frogs and Toads
Recently scientists from around the world met in Atlanta, Georgia, to launch a global “Amphibian Ark” project in an effort to save thousands of frogs, toads and salamander species threatened by fungi, pathogens, increasing UV radiation, rapidly changing habitats in the face of global warming – and the unknown.

Nearly half of the worldwide amphibian species are in serious decline, one-third are threatened and an estimated 122 species have become extinct since 1980! Amphibians, like honey bees, are considered to be canaries in coal mines that warn the miners when there is not enough oxygen to breathe. How do the canaries warn? By dying.


Episode 8 - Grey Non-Human Floats in Air At New Orleans Defense Contractor Site
The second week of January 2007, a machinist working for a defense contractor in New Orleans, Louisiana, saw a seemingly solid, biological, grey entity wearing a monk’s robe-type garment floating above ground about twenty feet away from where he was working in a company secured by armed guards since 9/11.

Episode 7 - Why Do UFOs Sometimes Play Cat and Mouse with Humans?
I began interviewing law enforcement and ranchers back in 1979 about the worldwide animal mutilation mystery. Often, I would hear about bright, aerial lights that would pace moving cars and trucks, stopping when the driver stopped, moving when the driver moved, turning when the driver turned – “like cat and mouse games,” many said.

Recently I received another report about a large, bright light that played cat and mouse with a Canadian driver. But that encounter was soon followed by close-up communication with what the man describes as a “powerful, superior being.

Episode 6 - U.N. Climate Change Report: Earth Could Warm Up 3.2 to 11.52 Degrees F. by 2100
The United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change, known as the IPCC, has been working on another report since its last one in 2001. This is supposed to be a consensus of scientists and computer labs around the world about where global climate change is headed. This report says it is “very likely” that increasing carbon dioxide is caused by human activity.

How high will sea levels rise? For reasons that are not clear, the rapidly increasing ice melts of Antarctica and Greenland were left out of the initial draft of the IPCC’s 2007 report – allegedly because computer models don’t have current data to accurately access the impact. So, the report might project only a 5 to 23-inch rise in sea level. But one prominent glaciologist thinks the worst case for sea level rise could be five times higher than the IPCC’s estimate.

Episode 5 - Tappen, North Dakota: Encounters with Non-Humans
Sixty miles straight east of Bismark, North Dakota, is a small farm community called Tappen. Since late 2005, the Myra and Torrey Briese family have had a cow die that coyotes would not touch; their 16-year-old son, Evan, encountered a triangle-shaped craft emitting blue lights at a water pond; and Torrey Briese and the family saw other blue lights making grid patterns in the sky above their farm. Then around 1:20 a.m. on September 11, 2006, Evan encountered non-human creatures with claw-blade hands in the pig corral dragging off a sow. He shot an entity that was about 7-feet-tall. Then something grabbed him from behind and he went unconscious. When he woke up, his Adidas T-shirt had five slashes in it and the sow and non-humans were gone.

Episode 4 - Human Genome Project
Scientists are still puzzled about the 97% of human DNA that does not code for proteins. Once thought to be useless, the repeating and seemingly meaningless sequences were dubbed “junk DNA.”

Speculations about the function of junk DNA now range from “punctuation” among the genes, to damage residue by ancient viruses, to even questions about DNA manipulation in already-evolving primates by non-human intelligences.

Episode 3 - Confusing Sun
Our sun not only hums in a rhythmic beat, which you can hear in this Earthfiles podcast, it is confusing solar physicists.

Coming up is Solar Maximum 24, reaching its peak between 2010 to 2012. Will there be a lot of X-flares that can hurt astronauts, fry satellites and damage electrical power stations? The sun is sending contradictory signals. But NASA has weighed in on the space weather debate with the prediction this maximum could be the strongest in 400 years since record keeping began.

Episode 2 - Attorney Encounters Non-Human Entities
For more than three decades, a West Coast attorney has kept secret his interactions with a non-human intelligence.

First he trusted them. But now he worries that the agenda of the particular type he has encountered is to manipulate and suppress humans.

Episode 1 - Bigfoot/Sasquatch
Hear the eerie screams of a tall, hairy, humanoid creature seen and recorded by an eyewitness in Snohomish, Washington.

Includes discussion with a Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology about his own investigations of the illusive Sasquatch/Bigfoot.

Episode 70 -Japan Nuclear Crisis.
Episode 69 -TOP SECRET RAF Bentwaters Investigation
Episode 68 -Aerial Disc Beam Penetrated Nuclear Weapons at Whiteman AFB.
Episode 67 -Huge V-Shaped UFO Emitted Beam On C-5 At Vandenberg AFB
Episode 66 -Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts
Episode 65 -Life Saving Miracles - Angelic Interventions?
Episode 64 -Why Has U. K. Ministry of Defence Shut Down UFO Office?
Episode 63 -Last Time Earth Without Ice: 55 Million Years Ago
Episode 62 -June Crain, UFOs and Wright Field, 1942-1952
Episode 61 -High Strangeness in Hampshire, U. K.
Episode 60 -Life On Europa?
Episode 59 -25% of H1N1 U.S. Patients Sick Enough To Be Hospitalized End Up in ICU
Episode 58 -1980 RAF Bentwaters Witnesses: Penniston and Burroughs
Episode 57 -Another RAF Bentwaters Security Airman Speaks About December 1980 UFOs
Episode 56 -UFOs and the National Security Statewith Historian Richard M. Dolan.
Episode 55 -USAF Col. Charles I. Halt (Ret.) Says Bentwaters Lights Were Extraterrestrial In Origin.
Episode 54 -1980 Bentwaters Lights Extraterrestrial In Origin
Episode 53 -Crop Circles Forecast Sudden Solar Intensity?
Episode 52 -Mysterious East Coast Bat Deaths Now Spreading Westward
Episode 51 -Aerial Lights That Mimic Stars, Helicopters and Airplanes
Episode 50 -Idaho Hunters Describe A Huge Triangle Aircraft Over Their Campsite.
Episode 49 -Is 2009A/H1N1 Outbreak A Herald Wave?
Episode 48 -First 2009 U. K. Crop Formations Counting Down to 2012?
Episode 47 -Spider-Like Drone Photographed Over Petten, Holland.
Episode 46 -Longest Solar Minimum Since 1913
Episode 45 -Endangered European Honey Bees
Episode 44 -Unusual Animal Deaths in Southern Colorado
Episode 43 -Security Guard Saw “Diamond-Shaped Panel” Fall Near Needles, California, and Encountered “Telepathic UFO”
Episode 42 -Unexplained Stranding of 200 Pilot Whales and Dolphins
Episode 41 -Unprecedented Northeast Bat Die-offs Spreading Rapidly
Episode 40 -Silicas - and Hot Springs? - On Mars
Episode 39 -Trends Journal Forecasts 2009 Economic Depression
Episode 38 -UFOs and 14th Century Black Death
Episode 37 -Silent, Hovering Ring with Long Antennas in Ohio Forest
Episode 36 -Dragonfly Drones - Alien Surveillance Technology?
Episode 35 -Wingless, “Dragonfly” Sighting On March 31, 2008
Episode 34 -Dragonfly-Shaped Aerial Craft: Eyewitnesses 1987 to 2007
Episode 33 -Mysterious Aerial “Drones” - Oklahoma and Arkansas
Episode 32 -Abductee Jim Sparks Comments On Alien Symbol Technology
Episode 31 –More Aerial “Symbols” Photographed Over Dublin, Texas. Reporter Angelia Joiner Resigns.
Episode 30 –Trends in 2008
Episode 29 –Carbon Dioxide Build-Up in Oceans Will Kill Off Coral Reefs by 2050
Episode 28 -Mysterious Orbs - Emanations from A Divine Field?
Episode 27 -"Young Sasquatch"? Infrared Images on September 16, 2007
Episode 26 -Huge, Silent, Black Triangle Craft Over Youngstown, Florida
Episode 25 -Peru Meteorite, Disappearing Bumblebees and Parallel Universes
Episode 24 -Part 2:Psi Spies- True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program
Episode 23 -Part 1:Psi Spies- True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program
Episode 22 -Orange-Red "Fiery" Aerial Spheres
Episode 21 -Reality Checks On Milky Way and Chupacabras
Episode 20 -Iowa Minister Reports Large "Crab/Scorpion" Creature Attacked Cow
Episode 19 -Another "Drone" This Week Near Maxwell AFB
Episode 18 -Northridge, California, Aerial "Drone" Eyewitness On the Record
Episode 17 -Three Eyewitnesses of Mysterious Aerial "Drones"
Episode 16 -Antarctica: Unprecedented Western Ice Melt and CO2-Saturated Southern Ocean
Episode 15 -CIA Origin ofNational Enquirer?
Episode 14 -Environmental Emergency Update
Episode 13 -Fastest Rotating Object In Our Solar System Is One Of Strangest
Episode 12 -Honey Bee Disappearances Continue - Could Pesticides Play A Role?
Episode 11 -Zones of Fear and Diamond-Shaped Aerial Light
Episode 10 -Earth Life Threats
Episode 9 -Scientists Hope "Amphibian Arks" Can Save Frogs and Toads
Episode 8 -Grey Non-Human Floats in Air At New Orleans Defense Contractor Site
Episode 7 -Why Do UFOs Sometimes Play Cat and Mouse with Humans?
Episode 6 -U.N. Climate Change Report: Earth Could Warm Up 3.2 to 11.52 Degrees F. by 2100
Episode 5 -Tappen, North Dakota: Encounters with Non-Humans
Episode 4 -Human Genome Project
Episode 3 -Confusing Sun
Episode 2 -Attorney Encounters Non-Human Entities
Episode 1 -Bigfoot/Sasquatch

Questions or comments? Send email

Episode 70 - Japan Nuclear Crisis.

Episode 69 - TOP SECRET RAF Bentwaters Investigation

Episode 68 - Aerial Disc Beam Penetrated Nuclear Weapons at Whiteman AFB.

Episode 67 - Huge V-Shaped UFO Emitted Beam On C-5 At Vandenberg AFB

Episode 66 - Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts

Episode 65 - Life Saving Miracles - Angelic Interventions?

Episode 64 - Why Has U. K. Ministry of Defence Shut Down UFO Office?

Episode 63 - Last Time Earth Without Ice: 55 Million Years Ago

Episode 62 - June Crain, UFOs and Wright Field, 1942-1952

Episode 61 - High Strangeness in Hampshire, U. K.

Episode 60 - Life On Europa?

Episode 59 - 25% of H1N1 U.S. Patients Sick Enough To Be Hospitalized End Up in ICU

Episode 58 - 1980 RAF Bentwaters Witnesses: Penniston and Burroughs

Episode 57 - Another RAF Bentwaters Security Airman Speaks About December 1980 UFOs

Episode 56 - UFOs and the National Security State with Historian Richard M. Dolan.

Episode 55 - USAF Col. Charles I. Halt (Ret.) Says Bentwaters Lights Were Extraterrestrial In Origin.

Episode 54 - 1980 Bentwaters Lights Extraterrestrial In Origin

Episode 53 - Crop Circles Forecast Sudden Solar Intensity?

Episode 52 - Mysterious East Coast Bat Deaths Now Spreading Westward

Episode 51 - Aerial Lights That Mimic Stars, Helicopters and Airplanes

Episode 50 - Idaho Hunters Describe A Huge Triangle Aircraft Over Their Campsite.

Episode 49 - Is 2009A/H1N1 Outbreak A Herald Wave?

Episode 48 - First 2009 U. K. Crop Formations Counting Down to 2012?

Episode 47 - Spider-Like Drone Photographed Over Petten, Holland.

Episode 46 - Longest Solar Minimum Since 1913

Episode 45 - Endangered European Honey Bees

Episode 44 - Unusual Animal Deaths in Southern Colorado

Episode 43 - Security Guard Saw “Diamond-Shaped Panel” Fall Near Needles, California, and Encountered “Telepathic UFO”

Episode 42 - Unexplained Stranding of 200 Pilot Whales and Dolphins

Episode 41 - Unprecedented Northeast Bat Die-offs Spreading Rapidly

Episode 40 - Silicas - and Hot Springs? - On Mars

Episode 39 - Trends Journal Forecasts 2009 Economic Depression

Episode 38 - UFOs and 14th Century Black Death

Episode 37 - Silent, Hovering Ring with Long Antennas in Ohio Forest

Episode 36 - Dragonfly Drones - Alien Surveillance Technology?

Episode 35 - Wingless, “Dragonfly” Sighting On March 31, 2008

Episode 34 - Dragonfly-Shaped Aerial Craft: Eyewitnesses 1987 to 2007

Episode 33 - Mysterious Aerial “Drones” - Oklahoma and Arkansas

Episode 32 - Abductee Jim Sparks Comments On Alien Symbol Technology

Episode 31 – More Aerial “Symbols” Photographed Over Dublin, Texas. Reporter Angelia Joiner Resigns.

Episode 30 – Trends in 2008

Episode 29 – Carbon Dioxide Build-Up in Oceans Will Kill Off Coral Reefs by 2050

Episode 28 - Mysterious Orbs - Emanations from A Divine Field?

Episode 27 - "Young Sasquatch"? Infrared Images on September 16, 2007

Episode 26 - Huge, Silent, Black Triangle Craft Over Youngstown, Florida

Episode 25 - Peru Meteorite, Disappearing Bumblebees and Parallel Universes

Episode 24 - Part 2: Psi Spies - True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program

Episode 23 - Part 1: Psi Spies - True Story of America's Psychic Warfare Program

Episode 22 - Orange-Red "Fiery" Aerial Spheres

Episode 21 - Reality Checks On Milky Way and Chupacabras

Episode 20 - Iowa Minister Reports Large "Crab/Scorpion" Creature Attacked Cow

Episode 19 - Another "Drone" This Week Near Maxwell AFB

Episode 18 - Northridge, California, Aerial "Drone" Eyewitness On the Record

Episode 17 - Three Eyewitnesses of Mysterious Aerial "Drones"

Episode 16 - Antarctica: Unprecedented Western Ice Melt and CO2-Saturated Southern Ocean

Episode 15 - CIA Origin of National Enquirer?

Episode 14 - Environmental Emergency Update

Episode 13 - Fastest Rotating Object In Our Solar System Is One Of Strangest

Episode 12 - Honey Bee Disappearances Continue - Could Pesticides Play A Role?

Episode 11 - Zones of Fear and Diamond-Shaped Aerial Light

Episode 10 - Earth Life Threats

Episode 9 - Scientists Hope "Amphibian Arks" Can Save Frogs and Toads

Episode 8 - Grey Non-Human Floats in Air At New Orleans Defense Contractor Site

Episode 7 - Why Do UFOs Sometimes Play Cat and Mouse with Humans?

Episode 6 - U.N. Climate Change Report: Earth Could Warm Up 3.2 to 11.52 Degrees F. by 2100

Episode 5 - Tappen, North Dakota: Encounters with Non-Humans

Episode 4 - Human Genome Project

Episode 3 - Confusing Sun

Episode 2 - Attorney Encounters Non-Human Entities

Episode 1 - Bigfoot/Sasquatch

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All Podcast Titles and Dates