
Episode 73 - Mysterious 12,000-Years-Old Gobekli Tepe, Turkey

Episode 73 – Mysterious 12,000-Years-Old Gobekli Tepe, Turkey

Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe interviewed Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D., Geologist, Boston University, inside the Gobekli Tepe, Turkey, excavation site on June 13, 2012. The T-shaped pillars have an anthropomorphic identity. But who are they? As their faces are never depicted, they seem very likely to be related to supernatural beings, beings gathered…
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What Is Causing Strange Sounds Around World?

Episode 72 – What Is Causing Strange Sounds Around World?

  As strange, unexplained sounds around the world continue to be reported by individuals, theories about what is causing the sounds range from Mother Nature and the cosmos to suspicions that in this year of 2012, linked to the end of the Mayan Grand Calendar, secret government projects could be experimenting with human reactions – like the new DARPA…
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Eerie, Strange Sounds Hard in Tennessee and Kansas

Episode 71 – Eerie, Strange Sounds Heard in Tennessee and Kansas

  At least 30 YouTube videos are now circulating from around the world with eerie sounds recorded over the past year since at least March 2011. Listeners report that eerie sounds – some compared to a “chorus of trumpets or horns” – other sounds compared to “an old TV playing in the distance” or a…
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Episode 70 – Japan Nuclear Crisis

  By March 18, 2011, Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant had three units in “partial meltdown” and radiation leaking at levels that can kill some people. “This is the biggest crisis for Japan in history … very grave.” Japanese officials admitted that since water cannons, fire trucks and tons…
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Episode 69 – TOP SECRET RAF Bentwaters Investigation

  For the past 30 years since December 1980, no one ever said there was a TOP SECRET investigation organized right after sunup on December 26th, by RAF Bentwaters Base Commander Col. Ted Conrad. Now for the first time, Staff Sergeant Monroe Nevels, a photographer and Disaster Preparedness technician at RAF Bentwaters, describes what happened.

Episode 68 Aerial Disc Beam Penetrated Nuclear Weapons at Whiteman AFB.

Episode 68 – Aerial Disc Beam Penetrated Nuclear Weapons at Whiteman AFB.

  In the fall of 1984 at Whiteman AFB, Missouri, a large, black, silent, aerial disc emitted a thin, reddish-blue beam that moved in a grid pattern over the igloo domes of two nuclear weapons storage facilities – and “fouled up the nuclear warheads.”        

Problems listening? Episode 67 Huge V-Shaped UFO Emitted Beam On C-5 At Vandenberg AFB

Episode 67 – Huge V-Shaped UFO Emitted Beam On C-5 At Vandenberg AFB

  In late December 1969, a USAF security man named “Steve” and several others watched an otherworldly aerial machine emit a greenish-blue beam on a C-5 at Vandenberg AFB. Steve has never talked to anyone about the experience until now in this exclusive Earthfiles report. Steve said the day after the encounter, he was ordered…
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Episode 66 Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts

Episode 66 – Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts

  The January 5, 2010, issue of Scientific American, headlined an article about a “Supernova star too close for comfort” to Earth. Since our solar system is in the Milky Way galaxy filled with potential supernovae and even much bigger gamma-ray bursts from much larger dying star deaths, could we be hit by a blast…
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Episode 65 Life Saving Miracles - Angelic Interventions?

Episode 65 – Life Saving Miracles – Angelic Interventions?

  Earthfiles Reporter and Editor Linda Moulton Howe has encountered mortal danger several times and Something in the unseen has intervened to save her life. Does the soul/spirit call out? Is there another-dimensional physics of angelic interventions, a very real dynamic of our cosmos that many have experienced through the centuries, but still remains a…
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Episode 64 Why Has U. K. Ministry of Defence Shut Down UFO Office?

Episode 64 – Why Has U. K. Ministry of Defence Shut Down UFO Office?

  The British Ministry of Defence has confirmed that on December 1st, 2009, it has suddenly and mysteriously shut down its UFO phone hotline and email address for public reports, even as a UFO flap hit the U.K in 2009. Nick Pope worked for the M.o.D for 21 years and insists UFO reports by pilots,…
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