
Episode 63 Last Time Earth Without Ice: 55 Million Years Ago

Episode 63 – Last Time Earth Without Ice: 55 Million Years Ago

  The climate research email scandal does not eliminate the fact that ice in the Arctic, Greenland, East and West Antarctica and mountain glaciers around the world continue to melt at accelerating rates. According to the United Nation’s Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Earth will warm up between 1.4 degrees Celsius and 5.8 degrees…
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Episode 62 June Crain, UFOs and Wright Field, 1942-1952

Episode 62 – June Crain, UFOs and Wright Field, 1942-1952

  An Aberdeen, Washington, police detective, James E. Clarkson, interviewed 72-year-old June Crain Caba before her 1998 death about her work at Wright Field, Ohio, where she held a SECRET Q clearance, knew about UFO crashes in New Mexico and retrievals of non-human bodies, and even held in her own hands “spaceship” metal that always…
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Episode 61 High Strangeness in Hampshire, U. K.

Episode 61 – High Strangeness in Hampshire, U. K.

  On September 28, 2009, at 11 PM, retired auto mechanic Derek Bridges was looking out his bedroom window at a very strange, dark, red light in the pasture about a mile from his house. He got binoculars to see it better and was still puzzled. Then the light grew brighter and he ran for…
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Episode 60 Life On Europa?

Episode 60 – Life On Europa?

  Jupiter’s moon, Europa, is nearly as large as Earth’s moon and beneath its icy surface is a liquid water ocean 100 miles deep that has oxygen. There in all that water University of Arizona Planetary Scientist Richard Greenberg thinks life already exists.      

Episode 59 25% of H1N1 U.S. Patients Sick Enough To Be Hospitalized End Up in ICU

Episode 59 – 25% of H1N1 U.S. Patients Sick Enough To Be Hospitalized End Up in ICU

  Surprising October 2009 news from Centers for Disease Control is that this past spring, 7% of Americans sick enough to be hospitalized with the novel H1N1 flu, have died. That 7% is a higher mortality rate than ordinary seasonal flu. How many Americans ended up in intensive care with the new H1N1 virus? 25%.…
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Episode 58 1980 RAF Bentwaters Witnesses: Penniston and Burroughs

Episode 58 – 1980 RAF Bentwaters Witnesses: Penniston and Burroughs

The time was nearly 3 AM on December 26,1980, when USAF Staff Sergeant James W. Penniston and Airman 1st Class John Burroughs approached bright, colorful lights in Rendlesham Forest between RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge they first thought might be fire – but then Penniston realized he was looking at a craft of unknown origin.

Episode 57 Another RAF Bentwaters Security Airman Speaks About December 1980 UFOs

Episode 57 – Another RAF Bentwaters Security Airman Speaks About December 1980 UFOs

  Since my August 2009 series of and Coast to Coast AM radio reports, I have received more military eyewitness accounts about the December 1980 RAF Bentwaters and Rendlesham Forest UFOs. Some have never talked before now. One is Richard Bertolino who was on the radio with Staff Sgt. James Penniston after midnight on…
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Episode 56 UFOs and the National Security State with Historian Richard M. Dolan.

Episode 56 – UFOs and the National Security State with Historian Richard M. Dolan.

  Historian Richard M. Dolan has worked for ten years to produce 3-volumes about the UFO phenomenon. Vol. 2: The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973 – 1991 2009 , was released in August 2009. The third volume will be out in 2010. He comments about the British M.o.D.’s incomplete UFO file releases, 1980 RAF Bentwaters as “extraterrestrial…
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Episode 55 USAF Col. Charles I. Halt (Ret.) Says Bentwaters Lights Were Extraterrestrial In Origin.

Episode 55 – USAF Col. Charles I. Halt (Ret.) Says Bentwaters Lights Were Extraterrestrial In Origin.

  Over the past thirty years in England – Royal Air Force Bentwaters, Royal Air Force Woodbridge and nearby Rendlesham Forest have been the focus of this question: What exactly did happen between at least two dozen military personnel, unidentified aerial lights and a triangular craft between midnight on December 26th, until 5 AM on…
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Episode 54 1980 Bentwaters Lights Extraterrestrial In Origin

Episode 54 – 1980 Bentwaters Lights Extraterrestrial In Origin

  A press release dated June 25, 2009, was released by British Transport Police Officer and UFO researcher, Gary Haseltine, and contains this startling quote by retired USAF Lt. Col. Charles Halt who was Deputy Base Commander at RAF Bentwaters in December 1980 when mysterious lights appeared in Rendlesham Forest. In the press release, Col.…
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