Technical Support

If you are having problems listening to a podcast, please review the following information:

Available formats
All episodes will be available for download in either .mp3 or .mp4 formats to allow for greater flexibility between computer platforms, internet connection speed, and computer speed.  Quicktime version 7 is necessary to listen to these podcasts. Quicktime is available for Windows and Mac as a free download.  You can download Quicktime for Windows by clicking here , and for Mac by clicking here . Other audio players such as Real Player may work, but are not supported.

We provide .mp3 formats in both high and low bandwidth.  If you are using a low bandwidth connection such as dial-up modem, and the mp4 or the high bandwidth mp3 file is taking a long time to load, choose the low bandwidth version.  Note:  Due to the compression involved in creating a smaller file there is a difference in the sound quality of the low bandwidth version.

Problems listening
Quicktime is required in order to listen to the audio files on this site.  Please make sure you have the correct software installed to listen to this podcast. If you are on a slower system and you are not hearing the podcast after clicking on the play button, please allow time for the episode to load onto your system.  If you are on a slower system this process may take at least a few minutes, as files are between 7-20 megabytes in size, depending on format.  

Downloading Podcasts
If you would like to download the podcast directly from this site, please wait for the episode to completely download to your computer before attempting to save.

To save mp4 or mp3 files: click the arrow (triangle) on the right side of the control bar on the audio file. On the pull-down menu click “Save As Source” to save the episode to your computer.  Please note that the "Save As Source" option will remain greyed out until the episode fully loads to your computer.  This may take a few minutes so please be patient.

Optionally: to download mp3 files:, right click on the “Click Here” link, which leads to the actual audio file, and choose “Save Link As”.  The file will begin downloading to your computer.

About iTunes Podcast
We highly recommend that you subscribe to this podcast via iTunes, which is available as a free download in both Windows and Mac formats.  To learn more about iTunes and to download the iTunes software, click here .  Once you subscribe to the Earthfiles podcast, new episodes will automatically be listed in the podcast as they become available.  You will be able to listen via the iTunes program, burn the episode to a CD, or sync with an iPod.

Send us an email
If you are still encountering problems that haven’t been addressed here, please send us an email detailing your problem by clicking here .  Please include in the email the computer platform (Windows or Mac), type of internet connection (broadband, dial-up, etc.), and a detailed description of the problem you are encountering, including which file you had the problem with, the contents of any error messages.


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© 2006-2008 by Linda Moulton Howe. All Rights Reserved