Episode 9 – Scientists Hope “Amphibian Arks” Can Save Frogs and Toads


Episode 9 - Scientists Hope "Amphibian Arks" Can Save Frogs and ToadsRecently scientists from around the world met in Atlanta, Georgia, to launch a global “Amphibian Ark” project in an effort to save thousands of frogs, toads and salamander species threatened by fungi, pathogens, increasing UV radiation, rapidly changing habitats in the face of global warming – and the unknown.

Nearly half of the worldwide amphibian species are in serious decline, one-third are threatened and an estimated 122 species have become extinct since 1980! Amphibians, like honey bees, are considered to be canaries in coal mines that warn the miners when there is not enough oxygen to breathe. How do the canaries warn? By dying.

episode 9 Amphibian Monkey Frogepisode 9 Amphibian Golden frog