About Us

Earthfiles is an award-winning news website where experts, eyewitnesses and viewers share the latest updates in earth and astronomical mysteries. Beginning in 1999, Earthfiles now has more than 2,000 science, environment and Real X-Files reports in chronological sequence that include more than 20,000 images and documents in the growing Archive and ever-increasing current news. The in-depth reports go beyond the 6 o’clock news. Earthfiles Reporter and Editor, Linda Moulton Howe, is an Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter for radio and internet and author who goes directly to the men and women at the forefront of science and environmental breakthroughs and to firsthand eyewitnesses of high strangeness. Howe has received two dozen TV production and journalism awards for excellence. received the 2006 W3 Silver Award for excellence in news category; the 2003 WebAward for Standard of Excellence; and the 2000 Encyclopaedia Britannica Award honoring internet excellence.

Linda Moulton Howe in Cairo, Egypt, on the Giza plateau where the great Cheops pyramid rises with its companions, Kephren and Mykerinos.


What viewers say …

“I’ve read several science interviews of yours.
I’m always impressed by the balance you bring to the topics.
I look forward to your future investigations.”
Many thanks,
Chris Esse
Beverly Hills, California

“Thank you for all your hard work – the Earthfiles site is wonderful.
Some reports I have heard only briefly mentioned, but never as much info as you have.”
Jim Doerter, Ph.D.
Ashland, Oregon

“I am a retired engineer who just got a computer four days ago (getting modern!)
So far, I have visited several websites and yours is a giant among them.
I look forward to many hours of eager perusal!”
Tampa, Florida

“Your reports continue to amaze and fascinate and interest us – my favorite website by far!
Keep up the search and reporting – thanks for all you do!”
Best regards,
Laura Nicholson
Spokane, Washington

“My husband introduced me to your website and now I visit it regularly.
Great work, Linda, in the production of such an outstanding website.”
Debra Riley
Ft. Worth, Texas

“Thanks for a great Website. Important information,
and updated regularly. Its appreciated.”
Peter R. Haswell
Omaha, Nebraska

“Just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work and great reporting.
Please continue to bring us the news that needs to be told with bravery and intelligence.”
Ed B.
Boston, Massachusetts

“Your research work is wonderful, illuminating, a service to mankind, opening
many minds. Keep up your marvelous work!!!!!!!!”
Don Smalter
Juno Beach, Florida

“I read every night the news on your web site. I wish to express my thankfulness.
You are contributing to create a better world for my daughter.
Thank you for the ‘pathos’ and the soul you put in searching for the sense of what we live.
Aurelio Bruno, M.D.
Catania, Sicily, Italy


Linda Moulton Howe investigating the barley stem anomalies in the North Down, Wiltshire, England, crop formation on July 30, 2003. Photograph © 2003 by Robert Hulse.

What listeners say about Linda Moulton Howe’s radio broadcasts of news …

“I just wanted to express how impressed I was with your appearance on last night’s Coast to Coast AM. Your replies to callers were with great insight and wisdom. In my opinion, your discussion of the current crop circles and their links to ancient hermetic/cabalistic/Judaic symbols contains the most informed and leading-edge analysis available on the subject. Thanks very much and please keep up the extremely impressive work you are doing!”
Gregory Vaughan

“Heard you on Coast to Coast AM and once again you proved yourself to be the quintessential professional and classy lady. Can’t get enough of the crop circle stuff!”
Keith H.

“Want you to know how much we appreciate your work. No one beats your effort or your presentation. Thank you!”
Randy and Carol Hellwig

“My hat is off to you. I have listened to many of your radio broadcasts and I have come to respect your investigating. I love your focus and efficiency. Please keep up the good work – we need this.”
Harold Boyer, Jr.

“Last night’s radio program you did (on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory), was extraordinary. Would that we all were so informed, articulate, insightful, brave and inspired.”
Anna Howard

“Great job last night on Coast to Coast! I had my truck radio turned up. You are one fascinating person!”
Owen Egony

“Your input on the radio seemed to make my spirit jump last night on Coast to Coast. Enjoy your reporting which I feel I can always trust.”
Stephen B.

“You are certainly on The Road Less Traveled! But then, that is why we follow your work and reporting and have for many years now. It’s a lonely road and one that only people with integrity can travel for very long.”
Randy and Carol Hellwig

“I am so grateful for the spirit you bring to your work. It is refreshing in its openness and it seems to be having a positive influence on a field (of earth mysteries) that has been difficult to follow over the years. People who do what you do are truly heroic and anyone that risks the edge to shed light on our collective understanding deserves a special respect. So, in this chaotic world, I just try to take time out occasionally to encourage the beneficial forces I recognize and thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
Sonny Anthony

Linda Moulton Howe is a graduate of Stanford University with a Masters Degree in Communication. She has devoted her documentary film, television and radio career to productions concerning science, medicine and the environment.

Ms. Howe has received local, national and international awards, including three regional Emmys and a national Emmy nomination. Those films have included Poison in the Wind andA Sun Kissed Poison which compared smog pollution in Los Angeles and Denver; Fire In The Water about hydrogen as an alternative energy source to fossil fuels; A Radioactive Waterabout uranium contamination of public drinking water in a Denver suburb; and A Strange Harvest which explored the worldwide animal mutilation mystery which has haunted the United States and other countries from the mid-20th century to date.

Linda has also received honors as a medical producer in Boston’s WCVB Station Excellence Peabody Award, received the Aviation & Space Writers Association Award for Writing Excellence in Television, Sigma Delta Chi Excellence In Journalism Award, a Chicago Film Festival Golden Plaque for A Radioactive Water, a national Emmy Award nomination for Poison in the Wind and A Sun Kissed Poison.

Linda was honored with the Colorado Florence Sabin Award for “outstanding contribution to public health” and received three regional Emmys for Writing Achievement, Directing and Sound Editing for her documentary investigations: Fire in the Water, A Radioactive Water and A Strange Harvest.

Linda also received Ohio State Awards for Fire in the Water and Borrowed Faces and actor Robert Redford, founder of the Sundance Film Festival and prominent environmentalist, presented Linda with a Citizens Participation Award from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency for television documentaries about air pollution and energy alternatives to fossil fuels.

Linda has also received national and international honors including the Cine Golden Eagle presented to Borrowed Faces for “excellence to represent the United States in international motion picture events abroad.”

Documentary filmmaker and TV producer Linda Moulton Howe with photographer Richard Lerner on location in Walsenberg, Colorado for Emmy award-winning production A Strange Harvest.

In 2001, Linda was investigative reporter in Laos for a television program about the “wildmen” (large, hairy hominoids) near the Vietnam border broadcast on The Discovery Channel 2001-2002.

Other documentary and writing work: Director of International Programming for Earthbeat, an environmental series broadcast on Ted Turner’s WTBS Superstation, Atlanta, Georgia; The World of Chemistry for PBS; produced and hosted a two-hour special Earth Mysteries: Alien Life Forms in association with WATL-Fox, Atlanta; and produced three documentaries for UNICEF about international child survival efforts.

Linda produced an update to her original documentary, A Strange Harvest, about the continuing worldwide animal mutilation mystery in her independent production, Strange Harvests 1993.She also contracted with Paramount Studios as Supervising Producer and Original Concept creator for an hour special based on her Earth Mysteries program. That hour, UFO Report: Sightings, was first broadcast in October 1991 and led to the Sightings series on the Fox network.

In July 2003, Linda traveled to England to report about the proliferation of crop formations and associated small, mysterious lights there and in other European countries. In February 2003, Linda traveled to Corguinho, Brazil, to collect physical evidence related to unusual phenomena for scientific study. In August 2002, Linda traveled to Norway to join physicists and engineers in the study of “thermal plasmas of unknown origin” in the Hessdalen valley; in June 2001, Linda traveled to Hong Kong and Laos to do on-camera reporting for a new Discovery Channel television series, Modern Mysteries of Asia.

Linda has traveled throughout the United States and Canada, Brazil, England, Norway, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Australia, Japan, Peru, Venezuela, Switzerland, France, Sweden, The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Yugoslavia, Mexico, the Yucatan, and Puerto Rico for research and productions.

Investigative reporter, producer, documentary filmmaker, editor and author Linda Moulton Howe at Stonehenge, England.

Linda has written four books: An Alien Harvest which investigates the worldwide animal mutilation phenomenon and Glimpses of Other Realities, Volumes I and II which concern U.S. military, intelligence and civilian testimonies about other forces that interact with earth life. Her fourth book, Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles, was updated in a 2nd Edition with expanded 2001 content and released in July 2002. It is an investigative report about scientific research of unusual formations in cereal crops and grasses around the world and videotapes, photographs and eyewitness descriptions of mysterious small lights associated with the enigmatic crop formations.

Linda continues to write, produce and speak at national and international conferences and symposiums, including NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. In addition to producing, reporting and editing, she also produces, writes and reports for television and radio, including segments on The Discovery Channel and weekly science, environment and earth mystery news for the nationally syndicated Clear Channel’s Coast to Coast AM and the internet’sDreamland Online.

She has been interviewed for a Larry King Live special about Nellis AFB’s Area 51 (Dreamland) in Nevada; Day & Date, CBS; Strange Universe, FOX; NBC’s The Other Side, cable’s Montel Williams; Britain’s Union Pictures and Learning Channel TV special Evidence On Earth; and for the companion tape of NBC’s network television special, The Mysterious Origins of Man.

Linda Moulton Howe at Machu Picchu, Peru, exploring the ancient Inca site.

For questions and comments, please e-mail:
Or write to:
Linda Moulton Howe
Reporter & Editor
P. O. Box 21843
Albuquerque, NM 87154