Tag: dragonfly

Episode 19 - Another "Drone" This Week Near Maxwell AFB

Episode 19 – Another “Drone” This Week Near Maxwell AFB

  On Monday, June 25th, 2007, six miles from Maxwell AFB and its Gunter AFB Annex in Montgomery, Alabama, was another dragonfly drone encounter. The eyewitness is a long-time technical specialist in security, educated about infrared frequency technologies and normal human aviation. Because his work is highly sensitive, he has asked that I not use…
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Episode 17 - Three Eyewitnesses of Mysterious Aerial "Drones"

Episode 17 – Three Eyewitnesses of Mysterious Aerial “Drones”

  Since May 5, 2007, images of dragonfly-shaped mysterious aerial objects have been sent to Earthfiles and other internet sites with reports by the alleged photographers in Lake Tahoe, Capitola and Central California. The photographs provoked three eyewitnesses to contact Earthfiles Editor and Reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, about seeing the approximately 25-foot-long “dragonfly” in 2006,…
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