Tag: nuclear

Episode 70 – Japan Nuclear Crisis

  By March 18, 2011, Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant had three units in “partial meltdown” and radiation leaking at levels that can kill some people. “This is the biggest crisis for Japan in history … very grave.” Japanese officials admitted that since water cannons, fire trucks and tons…
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Episode 68 Aerial Disc Beam Penetrated Nuclear Weapons at Whiteman AFB.

Episode 68 – Aerial Disc Beam Penetrated Nuclear Weapons at Whiteman AFB.

  In the fall of 1984 at Whiteman AFB, Missouri, a large, black, silent, aerial disc emitted a thin, reddish-blue beam that moved in a grid pattern over the igloo domes of two nuclear weapons storage facilities – and “fouled up the nuclear warheads.”